Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Like all other Acibadem Health Care employees, Acıbadem Labvital Laboratory personnel is required to sign a statement of disclosure, guaranteeing to keep any and all information related to any client confidential. The laboratory technicians performing the analysis can only see the barcode related to the sample and do not have access to any other information related to the sample or the client.
As long as the laboratory notified 48 hours prior to delivery, the samples can be delivered after business hours as well.
If the laboratory is notified beforehand, samples can be collected after business hours as well.
As long as the equipment and material we have available is suitable, analysis can be performed in any way and that a certain method was demanded by the client will be noted in the final report.
Labvital is ready to share anything related to the methods used and related performance information.
The results are compared to the given limits based on the Turkish Food Codex and any other international standards or regulation that dictates such limits.
Acıbadem Labvital Laboratory will provide a qualified employee to take the samples in the required way and according to the standard methods.
The containers used should be clean, properly sealed, preferably in a darker colour. For microbiological analysis, sterile containers should be used and any food item that is not dry should preferably be sent in a cooled container, in its original packaging if possible, as fast as can be.
Analysis performed again when an unexpected result is obtained for verification purposes, or due to a client's demand or any other similar situations that may arise.
The amounts listed are from the Turkish Food Codex and international codex regulations.
Required amounts for various kinds of samples are listed in our guide under the samples section on our webpage.
Whether you have bought it at a store, made it yourself, or produce it yourself commercially, you can get analysis performed on food, any materials that come in contact with food if the samples are taking according to the guide in our services page.